Friday 7 January 2011


Do you ever get that feeling, when you just feel lost? It feels as though everything and everyone around me is progressing in life and moving on so quickly, and then you look at me and I just seem to be staying in the same place.
I always knew what I wanted to be, ever since I was a little girl, but that's changed now, it's just not even a possibility any more. Someone like me just can't make it as a journalist. I can't spell and my grammar is poor. A journalist has to be perfect at writing and mine is just to informal.
I have no idea what I want to do with my life anymore, there are just too many possibilities and ways I can go. I'm some what like a dandelion you could day. If you were to blow me then I would scatter in a thousand different directions but which one would I follow, I know it sounds cheesy and corny but it's true. I just don't know what path I want to take in life.
And everyone around me seem's to know, things are changing so fast and I'm alone confused.

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