Friday 7 January 2011


Do you ever get that feeling, when you just feel lost? It feels as though everything and everyone around me is progressing in life and moving on so quickly, and then you look at me and I just seem to be staying in the same place.
I always knew what I wanted to be, ever since I was a little girl, but that's changed now, it's just not even a possibility any more. Someone like me just can't make it as a journalist. I can't spell and my grammar is poor. A journalist has to be perfect at writing and mine is just to informal.
I have no idea what I want to do with my life anymore, there are just too many possibilities and ways I can go. I'm some what like a dandelion you could day. If you were to blow me then I would scatter in a thousand different directions but which one would I follow, I know it sounds cheesy and corny but it's true. I just don't know what path I want to take in life.
And everyone around me seem's to know, things are changing so fast and I'm alone confused.

New Year.

Welcome to 2011, The year of the new me.
My new years resolutions:

- Become a life guard.
I want to actually do something amazing with my life, acheave something, so by becoming a life guard i could save someones life.

- Be more POSITIVE!
Yes, there is always a silver lining to every situation, and i am always going to find it.

Tuesday 4 January 2011


You know that your life apparently flashes before your eyes when you almost die, well if i was to almost die then i think the main pictures i would see would be me waiting for a bus. That is all i ever seem to do. I spend most of my life sat waiting for buses, in sun, in rain, in snow, whatever the wether i always seem to be waiting.
But then again, what would i do without them?
They take ma where i want, for just 40p, so why should i complain?

Saturday 1 January 2011

My iPod.

It's a chamber of memories. Every song triggers something in yoru mind. Makes your think of that one memory that's been forgotten.
You shuffle to the next song, and what's that? a memory. Something so amazing that could make your day. The song that reminds you of that one person you likes, when he took your hand for the first time and held you close. Or the song that reminds you of a past loved one you will never forget. The possablilitys are endless and the memories are forever.
Just one song can trigger a whirl wind of emotion, wether it be good or bad.

Wednesday 22 December 2010

Theres no feeling like it

Theres no feeling like it. The moment the band comes on stage you know your going to be blown away into a state of abyss. It's like your in a whole new world, where everything from your past life just disapeers and everything runs in slow motion, and every second is a second you will hold onto for the rest of your life.
Then they sing that song, the one song you really hoped they would sing. And you sing along at the top of your lungs without a care in the world. And everything is perfect for them few minutes.
There is no feeling like it.

Monday 22 November 2010


No matter how grey and dull your day is, a rainbow has the tendancy to make you feel utterly amazing! It lets you know that whatever the wether, the sun is out there somewhere trying to shine, and you just have to follow the rainbow as your path to finding it.

What is love?

My problem is i fall too easily. I see all theses amazing love storys and i want them so i let myself fall! I see them and i want them, that's another problem of mine. I want some amazing great romantic love story you hear about, but you think about it, that could never happen, no one is so spontanious and romantic that they would turn up at your house in the middle of the night just to declair there love for you, or to take you out in a huge rain storm just to show you these amazing swans all sitting on a lake. These things just don't happen in real life. and it's ruining my mind, I see them and i want them. But i'm never going to get them, am i?


You just have to always think possitive, one day you will find your sole mate, and one day they will do eveything you've ever wanted, just always find the silver lining and look on the bright side of life.